Eris Drew shares a favourite track

Eris Drew shares a favourite track

A track a day keeps the bad vibes away.

With the current circumstances and the weird, turbulent times all over the globe, we asked our friends to choose a favourite album or a track for these isolated days, and share it with us along with a photo. An album a day keeps the bad vibes away. Stay safe.

Today we welcome our beloved Chicago DJ and producer Eris Drew, who runs the T4T LUV NRG recording label with her loving b2b partner Octo Octa. Eris Drew shares with us one of her favourite records, RUN DMC’s “Tougher Than Leather”.

“‘Cuts for days will amaze and maze. But will make you sad to tan all the dance away…’ Been listening a lot to one of my favorite albums from my childhood. Memories provide a lot of comfort these days, so RUN DMC’s “Tougher Than Leather” is on constant rotation. It is an absolutely brilliant hip hop record and one of the coolest collaged pop productions ever. ‘Run’s House’, ‘Beats to the Rhyme’, ‘I’m Not Going Out Like That’, ‘How’d Ya Do It Dee’ are old favorites that still get my blood running. Breaks for dayz…”


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