Bráulio Amado shares a favourite album

Bráulio Amado shares a favourite album

A track a day keeps the bad vibes away.

With the current circumstances and the weird, turbulent times all over the globe, we asked our friends to choose a favourite album or a track for these isolated days, and share it with us along with a photo. An album a day keeps the bad vibes away. Stay home, stay safe.

Today Portuguese NYC-based graphic designer and illustrator Bráulio Amado, who has designed the artwork of LAGASTA’s “10 years compilation” and a limited edition T-Shirt, shares with us the soundtrack of his quarantine, Cobra Man’s album “Toxic Planet”.

“Came out in 2018 but heard it a lot during 2019, mostly because it was the only record me and my boyfriend could both agree to listen to during a road trip we did. Since we are both stuck at home, feels appropriate to pick it for quarantine. Cobra Man are definitely one of my new favorite bands and I can’t get tired of this record. It’s disco, dancy, funky, punkish and fun. ‘We Got It Goin’ On’ is my favorite track”.

Bráulio Amado also co-runs the multi-purpose art space SSHH in the East Village NYC. Support small businesses by heading over to the SSHH’s shop and pick up a new tote celebrating the important role of small business in NYC and many of his other great designs.


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