Solé Fixtape Vol. 55

Solé Fixtape
Vol. 55


A Mixtape by LAGASTA


A soundtrack to an imaginary road trip from Athens to Venice CA. 

We’re big fans of Solé Bicycles’ great “Fixtape” series, so we’re pretty excited to be part of this monthly series with a LAGASTA mixtape to bring you a taste of the Grecian coastline.

For the fifty-fifth installment of the Fixtapes, we drove one Sunday evening after sunset, through empty streets outside Athens, by the sea. Keeping in mind Solé Bicycles hometown of Venice CA, while driving in Athens, we tried to make the soundtrack to an imaginary road trip from Athens to Venice.

A collection with some “classic” tracks that we had played or danced through the years in different places of our city, others that bring to mind sunny afternoons in Venice, and some new ones that we have played on our car stereo recently.

Head over to Solé Bicycles for exclusive download and tracklisting. Enjoy the ride.


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