Poolside: “Everything Goes” Video

Poolside: “Everything Goes” Video


A spontaneous love poem to Havana. 

Directed by Brent Bishop & Gregory Tuzin.

LA’s Poolside have shared a beautifully shot video for “Everything Goes”, taken from the “Heat” LP, a “wild, tumbling, enchanting, bucket-list adventure”.

Speaking of the video Poolside’s Jeffrey Paradise says: “Cuba has always called to us – the vintage cars, the tropical colors, the majestically crumbling buildings, the music, the music, the music! We have an irresistible attraction to the artistic, celebratory spirit of our nearby neighbors that we’ve been forbidden to visit. We wanted to take some chances with this video – to work fast and loose and let the place, the moment, and the people reveal what the video should be. Our only plan was to stuff our backpacks with as much film gear and donated electronics, diapers, toys, and chocolate as we could, meet as many musicians and people as possible, and create a spontaneous love poem to Havana.’


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