Oliver: “Light Years Away”

Oliver: “Light Years Away”

This week saw the big return of LA’s Oliver, the dynamic duo of Vaughn “U-Tern” Oliver and Oliver “Oligee” Goldstein, on Fool’s Gold Records. After last year’s superb “Mechanical” EP, their first release for the label, the pair has delivered a new EP called “Light Years Away” that features two wicked tracks, “Light Years Away” and “Fast Forward”, of low-slung bass grooves and electro-funk synths. “It’s the soundtrack to Neil deGrasse Tyson’s first ayahuasca experience if he was 20-years-old and played keyboards in a funk band. It’s also about leaving things behind on earth and not looking back,” Vaughn Oliver told Billboard. And just like most of Oliver’s previous releases, this one too sounds better while driving fast. Speed it up.

Oliver’s two-track EP “Light Years Away” is out now via Fool’s Gold. Buy it here.

Stream: Oliver: “Night Is On My Mind”


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