Mano Le Tough: “An Hour In The Morning”

Mano Le Tough: “An Hour In The Morning”

Maeve’s will release its first compilation as a triple vinyl in early June. Entitled “Heavy Rotations Vol. 1”, the 11-track compilation features new tracks from Mano Le Tough, The Drifter, Isolée, Aera, and many more.

According to the label: “Releasing a compilation has long been an ambition of the label, however time was the key component in producing a record we could all be proud of. The best laid plans can often fall by the wayside, having a clear idea of what you want to achieve with a record like this changes constantly as you collect the pieces of the puzzle and try fit them together in a way that makes sense.”

Our first taste comes in the form of “An Hour In The Morning”, a great track from Mano Le Tough.

The “Heavy Rotations Vol. 1” arrives June 8th.

Pre-order it here.


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