Kenton Slash Demon: “Syko (Round’s Slow Response Remix)”

Kenton Slash Demon: “Syko (Round’s Slow Response Remix)”

Hot on the heels of their great “Harpe”/”Syko” 12” on Future Classic, Kenton Slash Demon, the Copenhagen-based duo of Silas Moldenhawer and Jonas Kenton, have shared a new remix of their hypnotic track “Syko” by fellow Danish producer Torsten Lindsø Andersen, aka Round. For those familiar with Round, who first wowed us last year with his excellent debut EP “Glass”/”Float” on John Talabot’s Hivern Discs label, the appropriately titled “Slow Response” remix of “Syko” is pure quality all the way through. Blast it above.

Get yourself a copy of Round’s remix here.

Kenton Slash Demon: “Harpe”


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