Rex The Dog



An interview with a dog? Not any dog. Rex The Dog!

My favorite destination is… …anywhere with FOOD AND GIRLS.

My co-driver is… …boring!

In the trunk I carry… …a blanket and tyre and a broken Ensoniq DP4+ (it’s the truth).

I leave behind… …a goddam mess.

The car stereo plays… …everything right now. Most of it is boring. Not my decision.

I speed up when… …I eat chocolate or rat.

I hit the brake when… …I see RATS OR GIRLS!

If I see a hitch hiker… …ha ha, not my decision but if we pick one up, then I kiss them.

If I lose my way… …I follow my wet nose.

If I run out of gas… …I walk.

If I wasn’t a dog… …I would be a dinosaur and kick everybody’s ass, tyrannosaurus REX!

My future plans are… …sleeping, eating, licking and kissing your face!



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