Darkside: “Golden Arrow”

Darkside: “Golden Arrow”

[audio: http://lastgasstation.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/1120-1.mp3|titles=Golden Arrow|artists=Darkside|width=495|leftbg=FFFFFF|rightbg=FFFFFF|lefticon=0xff022f|righticon=0x00ff01|loader=FFFFFF|volslider=00ff00]Darkside: “Golden Arrow”

Over the weekend, New York-based DJ and producer Nicolas Jaar has shared the first 11 minutes of the upcoming new Darkside album, his collaborative project with Dave Harrington, via his new “serial label”, Other People. “Like a magazine, we deliver new content each week. Every Sunday, our members receive a new issue,” he says. You can grab the epic opening track from Darkside’s debut LP for free below. Update: The new track is titled “Golden Arrow”.

In related news, Other People will release a new 13-track compilation, entitled “Trust”, on September 2. The collection will feature tracks from Nikita Quasim, Valentin Stip, Acid Pauli Will Epstein, Dave Harrington and Nicolas Jaar himself.

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