Daphni: “Face To Face”

Daphni: “Face To Face”

Caribou’s Dan Snaith returns as Daphni with a very special fabriclive mix composed of 23 original, unreleased Daphni tracks and four new Daphni edits. Set to drop on on July 21st, the 27-track “Fabriclive 93” marks his first full body of work under the moniker since 2012’s critically acclaimed “Jiaolong” LP and most recently Caribou’s seminal standout 2014 album “Our Love”.

In his own words: “What started as a mix featuring bits of new music gradually evolved until it reached a place where it was essentially a studio recording and barely a DJ mix at all, yet the structure remained. A lot of these tracks were recorded in situ in the mix itself – I’d put one track in place and instead of searching through existing music to find the track to follow it I’d just make an entirely new one.

Our first taste from the “Fabriclive 93” mix comes in the form of “Face To Face”, and it’s a great one.

Pre-order it here.


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