Connan Mockasin: “I’m The Man, That Will Find You”

Connan Mockasin: “I’m The Man, That Will Find You”

New Zealand’s Connan Mockasin, the eccentric wizard of majestic pop, makes a welcome return with “I’m The Man, That Will Find You”, the lead single from his upcoming second album “Caramel”. And it’s absolutely beautiful. Give it a spin above.

Connan Mockasin’s new LP “Caramel” is a concept album. “The concept is that it’s actually an album. It starts with the dolphin leaving, and the boss (the man) who is so in with love with the dolphin is sad, and then it kicks into the new album, and he is happier. But there’s a car race and a crash”, he says.

“Caramel”, which follows on from 2011′s “Forever Dolphin Love”, will be released on November 4th on Phantasy Sound / Because Music.


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