Classixx: “Safe Inside” (feat. Passion Pit)

Classixx: “Safe Inside” (feat. Passion Pit)

A few days ago, LA duo Classixx dropped their latest single “I Feel Numb”, featuring vocals from Holy Ghost!’s Alex Frankel. Now, they’re back with another collaborative track off their upcoming second album “Faraway Reach”. This time the duo of Tyler Blake and Michael David has teamed up with Passion Pit frontman Michael Angelakos for a feel-good jam called “Safe Inside” of disco-inspired grooves. The album “Faraway Reach”, a buoyant follow-up to their 2013 debut “Hanging Gardens”, drops on June 3 via Innovative Leisure.

UPDATE: Check out Classixx’s new video for “Whatever I Want”, featuring T-Pain. Directed by Daniel Pappas, the clip is a shot-for-shot remake of The Smiths’ iconic video for “Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before”.

Pre-order the album here.


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