Bot’Ox – Overdrive (Morgan Geist Remix)

Bot’Ox – Overdrive (Morgan Geist Remix)

Metal sheet and iron crashing, broken glass and smoking rubber. La.Ga.Sta.’s favourite Bot’Ox (Benjamin Boguet, the half of Tekel and the whole of Cosmo Vitelli and Julien Briffar) drives down the highway again with their new single, ‘Overdrive’, out on June 7th via I’m A Cliché Records. With ‘Overdrive’ the duo creates another perfect road trip soundtrack for moonlit drivers. The 12” package comes with remixes from French duo Logo, Morgan Geist of Metro Area fame and Welcome Stranger (aka Thomas Bullock from Rub n Tug). The funny thing is that neither Benjamin nor Julien owns a car. Looking forward for their debut album, due out in September. Until then, have fun on the autobahn…


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