Bernardino Femminielli: “L’Amour Avec Moi (Cosmo Vitelli Remix)”

Bernardino Femminielli: “L’Amour Avec Moi (Cosmo Vitelli Remix)”

I’m a Cliché boss Cosmo Vitelli returns with a great new remix of Bernardino Femminielli’s “L’Amour Avec Moi”, a track taken from the Montreal-based artist recent LP “L’Exil”. In his hands, the disco-infused original track is transformed into a dark slow-burner that feels like a late-night drive through the city. “L’Exil”, an elegiac and lyrical autofiction in the form of a concept album, took shape after the notorious arrest of Bernardino Femminielli by American border authorities during a US tour in 2018. The “L’Exil” LP is out now via Éditions Appærent.

Get yourself a copy of Cosmo Vitelli’s two remixes of “L’Amour Avec Moi” here.


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