Apollo Noir: “Unrelated To God” Video

Apollo Noir: “Unrelated To God” Video

French director and animator Thomas Pons has done an excellent illustration and animation work in his new video for “Unrelated To God” by fellow Parisian producer Rémi Sauzedde, aka Apollo Noir.

This traditional 2D animation video is about our relationship to God, the little figures embodying the metaphor of Men as builders of their own belief. The dust from stones disintegrate in elementary particles giving birth to new figures and matter. Men, stones and particles transform in mysterious cycles, Particles turning gigantic, Stones becoming alive, Men growing in colossal sculptures.

It’s a perfect match between Thomas Pons and Apollo Noir, as both are trying with their work and in their intimate lives to reconcile science and spirituality. The video for “Unrelated To God” is the first stone of a long time collaboration, that will find its epiphany with live shows.

The track can be found of Apollo Noir’s second LP “CHAOS ID”, released last year via Tigersushi Records. Get it here.


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