A Track A Day: Tony Y Not

A Track A Day: Tony Y Not

With the current circumstances and the turbulent times all over the globe, we asked our friends to choose a favourite track or an album for these weird days, and share it with us along with a photo. A track a day keeps the bad vibes away.

Today we welcome our beloved Berlin/NYC-based artist Tony Y Not, who recently graced us with a great exclusive new track “Fall Night Long” for LAGASTA’s fundraising compilation “With Love”. Tony Y Not share with us on of her favourite records, Bronski Beats’ 1984 iconic debut album “The Age Of Consent”.

In her own words: “This is the re-edition from Bronski Beats iconic ‘The Age Of Consent’ album from 1984. Doesn‘t get more classic than an album like this. I remember when I played KDA Pink Triangles Remix of ‘Smalltown Boy’ at a Pnny party in Bali couple years ago and loving it when people recognize a classic song and play along with it. The whole album is just timeless and really emphasizing on the newly invention of synthesizer sounds and electronic music. It’s super chill and for the dancefloor at the same time.”

Pick up a copy of LAGASTA’s new compilation “With Love” here.


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