RÜFÜS: “Sundream (Classixx Remix)”

RÜFÜS: “Sundream (Classixx Remix)”

[audio: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18637053/Sundream%20(Classixx%20Remix).mp3|titles=Sundream (Classixx Remix)|artists=RÜFÜS|width=495|leftbg=FFFFFF|rightbg=FFFFFF|lefticon=0x000000|righticon=0x313131|loader=FFFFFF|volslider=00ff00]RÜFÜS: “Sundream” [Classixx Remix]

The summer is officially here and there’s no better way to enjoy the season than with a new remix from our all time-favorite Classixx. Once again, the Los Angeles-based duo of Tyler Blake and Michael David deliver a fantastic summer-soaked remix of Sydney’s indie-dance trio RÜFÜS, known as RÜFÜS DU SOL in North America, recent single “Sundream”, filled with silky funk vibes and brightly shimmering synths. Totally Classixx!

Just in case you missed it, watch the kaleidoscopic video for the track here.

Stream: Panama: “Always” [Classixx Remix]


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