Matias Aguayo: “El Sucu Tucu”

Matias Aguayo: “El Sucu Tucu”

Chilean-via-Germany house/techno producer Matias Aguayo is back with his third studio LP, titled “The Visitor”, his first album in four years, since the release of “Ay Ay Ay” in 2009. The album features guest appearances from Alejandro Paz, Philipp Gorbachev, Ana Helder, and Daniel Maloso. In Aguayo’s own words: “Music is about dialogue and communicating on other levels, that’s why it is more fun and more challenging to involve people in the process, and learn from one another.”

Today, he gives us the first taste of what’s to come with “El Sucu Tucu”, the groovy lead single from his upcoming album, which drops on June 24th via his own label, Cómeme.


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