The Mekanism: “Can’t Believe”

The Mekanism: “Can’t Believe”

[audio:|leftbg=0xff022f|rightbg=0x00ff01|lefticon=FFFFFF|righticon=0xFFFFFF|loader=0xFFFFFF|border=0x00ff01]The Mekanism: “Can’t Believe (Original Mix)”

Damien Roussel and Raphaël Cesario make music under the moniker of The Mekanism and share the same enlightened vision of a deep and disco influenced modern house sound. For their debut EP on Needwant the rising Parisian duo crafted three original tracks, “Can’t Believe”, “Missing Love” and “Your Shade” (preview all the tracks here), that will blow you away. The release also features Mario Basanov’s take on the original “Can’t Believe”, which you can stream below. The Mekanism’s debut EP “Can’t Believe” is a wonderful start. We believe. Pick up the 12” here.


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